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We are a full-service By-Laws Agents.

Let’s Know Why register a By-law?

  • A by-law has no force or effect until the strata scheme has lodged a notification in the Registrar-General’s office and the Registrar-General has made an appropriate recording of the notification in the Certificate of Title. This can be done by lodging for registration a 'Change of By-Laws' dealing form. The approved 'Change of By-Laws' dealing form contains a certificate of the Owners Corporation, which should be completed by inserting the Strata Plan number, the date on which the resolution was passed and the relevant section of the Strata Schemes Management Act under which the by-law was made.
  • Even though owners can lodge their own ‘Change of By-Laws’ dealings, most rely on their Solicitors or By-law Registration Agents to prepare the documents accurately and lodge them with the Registrar General on their behalf.
  • Bylaws Assist are specialist By-law Registration Agents who lodge ‘Change of By-Law’ dealings and other strata scheme documents for and on the behalf of - lot owners, owners corporations, strata managing agents and law firms practising in strata law.

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Frequently AskedQuestion

Bylaws Assist are specialist By-Law Registration Agents who provide support services to lot owners, owners corporations, strata managing agents and law firms practising in strata law

What are By-laws?

Strata schemes in New South Wales are governed by their registered by-laws. These by-laws are binding on owners and occupiers within the strata scheme. The by-laws are designed for the purpose of the “control, management, administration, use and enjoyment of the lots and common property” within a strata scheme. They are rules that govern participation in schemes.

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How can a strata scheme make an additional By-law?

The Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 allows a strata scheme, by special resolution at a general meeting, to make by-laws - adding to, amending or repealing the by-laws for a strata scheme.

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How much does it cost?

Get in touch with us for your By-laws requirement and we will provide you Quote.

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